I qualified and obtained my Degree in Nursing in Jamaica in 2015. I then worked in private healthcare as an Occupational and Resort Nurse for two years and then as a Staff Nurse at a public hospital in the Accident and Emergency, Surgical and Medical wards where I was seconded for a ward manager post.
In November 2018, I came to the United Kingdom because I wanted to have more accessible training and educational opportunities. Whilst trying to progress from band 5 to band 6 I experienced the hardship of professional fights and career blocks and training opportunities from my then line manager and the occasional racism. I also had to go through the challenges of being an ethnic minority nurse during COVID-19 which included discrimination. But despite the challenges, I never gave up and progressed to a Band 6 nurse in less than 3 years. I am currently working as Band 6 Junior Sister in General Surgery.
My future career ambition is to become a specialist nurse in Cancer Research because my passion is to return to my home country, and help fight and improve cancer care.
Like Mary Seacole, I have overcome challenges while helping those in need and I endeavour to make changes and improve my personal lifestyle.