Mary Seacole Leadership Award

Application leadership award

  • 1.1 Details of Project/Activity

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Specify how the outcomes from the project/activity will contribute to improving health outcomes of people from black and minority ethnic communities
    (Please note that the award is not given for the sole purpose of funding studies and cannot be put towards educational fees)

  • 1.2 Employment Details: Current Post

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

  • 1.3 Do you hold current registration on the NMC register?

  • 1.4 Membership Organisation Details

  • Please tick if appropriate and give your membership number:

  • 2.1 Study Leave

    Note: This section should be completed in consultation with your immediate line manager or their equivalent and their signature is required.

  • 2.2 Manager’s Supporting Reference

    Please comment on:
  • (Please include any agreed study leave to be granted over the period of the project/activity and whether or not the applicant will have access to the IT needed to deliver their work)

  • Note: We would urge you to discuss any project/ activity with your immediate line manager or equivalent as well as any senior staff who could act as project mentors or support your work through integrating your plans in their work or providing access to resources.
  • Set out the title, aims and objectives, methods and outcomes, key questions, benefits of the project/activity, preparation and expected timescales, including the key role of leadership and how you intend to demonstrate and develop further your leadership qualities. (1000 words maximum excluding references) Reference: Healthcare Leadership Model
  • Set out how your project will contribute to addressing the key challenges for the NHS and promote equality and reduce health inequalities (500 words maximum) Suggested references: NHS England Five Year Forward View, Health Education England Strategic Framework; NHS England Equality Delivery System; NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard
  • How does your project/activity link into the improvement plans of your organisation? (100 words maximum)
  • indicate if the project requires ethical approval and the likely timescales for this.
  • Please note that the final budget is subject to discussion with and approval by the mentors that are assigned to successful applicants. Examples of appropriate and inappropriate use of funds are given below:

    Examples of appropriate use of funds

    a) Venue hire costs for work undertaken externally (not employer premises)
    b) Transport costs for users to attend meetings
    c) Reasonable hospitality costs for focus groups
    d) Conference attendance (as agreed with MSASG / mentors)
    e) Vocational course attendance to develop specific skills (as agreed with MSASG / mentors)
    f) Cost of producing education media / materials
    g) Cost of advertising the project activities
    h) Cost of printing the final report
    i) Travel and accommodation costs for attending the Mary Seacole Award ceremony in London in March 2021 and March 2022.
    j) Travel and accommodation costs for attending 6 learning events during the course of the award year.
    k) Project related IT equipment where this is additional to equipment already supplied by the employer (up to £500)
    l) The cost of a proof reader for your final report or any other material outputs

    Examples of inappropriate use of funds

    a) Academic course fees
    b) Backfill costs for research assistants
    c) Travel costs for your guests to attend the ceremony
    d) Personal items
    e) Cash incentives for focus group participants
    f) The cost of an editor for your final report or any other material outputs
  • Set out the expected timeline for your work from March 2020 to February 2021 and indicate the stages at which you expect there to be costs to the award bursary.
  • Identify which stakeholder groups will be affected by the project, describe how you will work with them, what they will contribute and how they will benefit. Outline how you will make use of diverse media (including social media) to consult, share and inform (100 words maximum).
  • You will be expected to produce and present a report and a conference poster on your work. What other material outputs will there be? e.g. research report, articles, conferences etc (50 words maximum)
  • How do you intend to disseminate and sustain the outcome/ outputs of your project, within your own organisation and further afield? (50 words maximum)

  • 4.1 Personal Information

  • 4.2 Application Agreement

    I now enclose the following in support of my application:
  • In submitting this application I confirm that I will be available to attend a virtual interview on ** January 2021 in London. Should I be offered an award, I will commit to attend an induction day on * February 2021 which will be held virtually, the ceremony in March 2021, submit quarterly progress reports and the final report within the required deadlines, and present my final project at the awards ceremony in March 2022. In addition I will attend learning events scheduled during the course of the award year.

    The information contained in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, correct. As an applicant, I understand I must comply with the conditions stated and that the making of false statements may lead to the withdrawal of my application. I acknowledge that the decision of the Selection Panel is final. I agree that intellectual property rights from the outcome/outputs remain the property of the NHS.

  • 4.3 Equality monitoring questionnaire

    This information is requested to ensure that we are aware of the communities applying for this award and assist the implementation of a fair and equitable application process. Please note this information will not be passed to the selection panel.

    What is your ethnic group? (please tick one category only)
  • The Equality Act 2010 defines a person as disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities.

  • 4.4 Do you have caring responsibilities for any children or adults?

  • 4.5 Please help us to promote these awards effectively by indicating below how or where you heard about them:

Introducing a book about

Mary Seacole by Ron Ramdin

"Contains important lessons for those of us who care, and demonstrates why she was voted the greatest black Briton."
Church Times

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Introducing the Mary Seacole Book:

A STATUE FOR MARY: The Seacole Legacy
Edited by Lord Clive Soley and Jean Gray

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