The Mary Seacole Awards

About the awards and how to apply

The Mary Seacole Awards provide an opportunity for individuals to be recognised for their outstanding work in the black and minority ethnic (BME) community.

Please note: due to the COVID-19 emergency, applications to the programme are currently suspended and will be re-opened in the summer.

  • Applications are invited from individual nurses, midwives and health visitors in England

If you have any questions about the application process or would like to find out more about the awards from a member of the steering group or a previous awardee, please contact or 020 7647 3553.

Winners of the 2019 award talk about their projects.

Who was Mary Seacole?

Mary Seacole, a Jamaican Scottish nurse and businesswoman, was a celebrated Victorian heroine due to her bravery in nursing soldiers in the Crimean War (1853–1856).
The Mary Seacole Awards were created in her honour and provide the opportunity for individuals to undertake a specific health care project, educational or development activity that benefits and improves the health outcomes of people from BME communities.

Who funds the awards?

The awards are funded by Health Education England and are awarded in association with Royal College of Midwives, Royal College of Nursing, UNISON and Unite with support from NHS Employers.

These annual awards for nurses, midwives and health visitors in England have a dual purpose. They directly provide funding for specific health care projects and activities that will benefit and improve the health outcomes of people from BME communities. The work undertaken for an award is expected to contribute to raising the national profile of equality and diversity and redressing health inequalities.

In addition, awardees benefit from a development programme which will develop their leadership and presentation skills and provide an important step forward for their future careers. The awards alumni continue to provide evidence that the awards enhance career opportunities, particularly for professionals from BME communities, at a time when they are under-represented in leadership and management positions.

There are two types of awards: Development and Leadership

Development awards
The development awards may be more suited to those at the beginning of their service/research development career. It is a good opportunity to try out ideas for undertaking a project or other educational/development activity. The aim of this award is to increase the capabilities of individuals in shaping the health of BME communities.

Submit the Development awards application form

Leadership awards
The leadership awards are about much more than personal endeavours, they also require the individual to influence developments and changes within their area of work at a service, policy or educational level, involving not just their own professional activities but those of others. Their projects or the applications of the findings are far more wide reaching than the boundaries of their current place of work. In that sense it may be more suited to those ready to take ‘the next step’ in policy/service/educational development and innovation.

Please contact for any queries relating to the application process or your eligibility.

Submit a Leadership Reward Application

Introducing a book about

Mary Seacole by Ron Ramdin

"Contains important lessons for those of us who care, and demonstrates why she was voted the greatest black Briton."
Church Times

Learn More

Introducing the Mary Seacole Book:

A STATUE FOR MARY: The Seacole Legacy
Edited by Lord Clive Soley and Jean Gray

Learn More

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