As part of Black History Month 2022, Bush & Co, along with colleagues across the Group it operates within, are taking part in a number of activities focused on education; highlighting the importance of educating themselves to understand inequalities and discrimination faced by others.
Inspired by Mary’s own story they are also sharing insightful books, music, films and podcasts by black authors, artists and producers as well as supporting black owned businesses wherever possible in the items they source for gifts and incentives.
Colleagues at Bush & Co are raising money by sharing their recommendations with their wider group of colleagues and have even raised additional funds with a dinosaur dance off which you can take a look of via Bush & Co’s Twitter and LinkedIn pages.
Helen Jackson, Managing Director at Bush & Co said “We’re delighted to continue to be involved in the great work of the Mary Seacole Trust. To hear the fundraising we’re taking part in will go towards the Young Seacole Ambassador’s competition where school children can nominate their modern Mary (a teacher, relative or someone in their life who inspires) them is really exciting. It’s a great initiative within young communities that will no doubt go on to inspire many.”
Trevor Sterling, Chair of the Mary Seacole Trust, said “We express our sincere thanks to Bush & Co for their support. The funds raised will go to our Young Seacole Ambassadors’ competition which aims to inspire the next generation to recognise Mary Seacole’s values of being be caring and compassionate.”