I have always been very heavily involved with charities and always keen to provide hands on support to those in need. To let you in on a little bit about myself, I was born in Preston (North West England) and my parents were originally from Iraq. Having visited the country many times, I have been exposed to people and areas where support and help is fundamental. I have been taught from a very young age to treat people of all ages, race, gender and position equally.
As I grew up and became more involved in the ‘real world’ I became far more aware that unfortunately whilst many speak of the need for social equality, this is not always the case both when looking across the professional boards but also schooling for younger children.
I started volunteering for The Mary Seacole Trust 3 years ago. For me, the charity ticks all the boxes when looking at social equality and wanting to support and make a difference. Mary Seacole herself, a female of ethnic minority was so strong and determined to make sure that she was on the front line to provide help and support for the soldiers. Mary epitomises the definition of an inspiration and role model.
The Mary Seacole Trust is made up of board members from all different backgrounds, including gender, race, age which brings together a variety of skill and knowledge to the board that has transpired to form such fantastic programmes to promote and run, including:
- Education Programme – involving children from the age of around 5 through to their teens, teaching them about Mary and her story, inspiring and also providing support and guidance to the younger generation around issues that affect them daily; a significant one being around gun & knife crime
- Diversity in Leadership – bringing together the private and public sector to look at ways of encouraging and promoting a diverse board, again allowing such a variety of skill and knowledge to be brought to the table resulting in much stronger boards and companies
- Mary Seacole’s Statue and Memorial Plaque – providing ongoing funds to maintain the infamous and phenomenal statue and plaque to be maintained, allowing children and others to visit to remember Mary and her story and continue to be inspired.
The Trust continues to do incredible work, reaching out to all ages and individuals, strengthening the charity itself by allowing voices to be heard, real life stories, struggles and ways to improve and provide the support to those who need it.
So, in answer to the question above, why do I volunteer at the Mary Seacole Trust? Quite simply, I feel drawn to such an incredible charity, promoting Mary’s legacy, looking at current affairs and concerns to try and achieve social equality and taking the time out to speak and listen to all members of the board and volunteers, working together to make a difference and mark our stamp and help make a difference.
If anyone is interested in volunteering I would be happy to speak to you about this and answer any questions you may have.